Hey everyone!
Great news! The first batch of 300 Gamefold tables has landed in the U.S., and backers can expect deliveries sometime next week.
Tracking information should be updated sometime this week as well.
The remaining tables are actively being worked on, and we're closely monitoring the condition of the first 300 to ensure they arrive intact!
Stay tuned for more!
Yarro Studios Team

Hi, I ordered in November, when do you expect the table to ship out and does the free shipping promo still apply? thank you!
If I had my order confirmed with Yarro Studios in August last year, do you know when can I expect it to be shipped out? Or is it based off the confirmation on PledgeManager (which was on January 23, so I see it will be shipped out in May)
I bought your table on your website almost 1 year ago (march or april 2024), do i got a chance to be in the shipping batch in March?
I ordered mine in February 2024. What is timeline on getting mine?
I placed my preorder on the 2nd of January, and I saw a previous comment about orders after 13 January not being shipped until May. Is that for pre orders?