Hey everyone!
Great news! The first batch of 300 Gamefold tables has landed in the U.S., and backers can expect deliveries sometime next week.
Tracking information should be updated sometime this week as well.
The remaining tables are actively being worked on, and we're closely monitoring the condition of the first 300 to ensure they arrive intact!
Stay tuned for more!
Yarro Studios Team

@Mike – Thanks so much! We’re just as excited for you to receive it!
@Misty Escobar – You can still unlock your order and make modifications by logging into your PM account using the following link:
Feel free to contact us at support@yarrostudios.com in case of any required assistance or concerns!
@Kari – Almost there!
Is the timeline of ‘expect tracking around March 1st’ still probably accurate for the rest of us or is that up in the air now?
Have email notifications been sent out yet? Just wondering if I should be expecting mine or not. Thanks for the update!